• Higher Yields
  • Faster Turn Overs
  • Large Reduction In Labor
  • Cleaner, More Potent Plants

1 Month growth


 We are delighted to promote Supernatural Brand's fantastic range of products and our main goal is to assist one's current process by enhancing multiple aspects of operations.  Our methods will help you obtain your goals with ease, from growing a purer, cleaner, and superior product, to automating your space with a highly reliable feeding system that will reduce your turn over times with big increases in yield. Combined with an easy to reuse certified clean virgin mined medium, which is highly forgiving and pH buffed, sit back and watch your plants thrive!

A Few
Customer Reviews


I've been growing indoor large scale commercial recreational for over 3 decades, two and a half years ago after visiting another operation using the Aqua - Terra  Supernatural System, I was convinced after seeing so I switched everything to Supernatural Brand using pure earth elements, perfect pots, air pressure tables and Terra nutrients including Enormous The purity quality performance and forgiveness not to mention the grow medium is completely amazing. Things like pH control, Co2 dispensing and monitoring, pumps, final volume mixing, extensive HVAC systems, throwing away medium, intensive labor, lost yields, powdery mildew are just a few things that I no longer deal with. The feeding method makes the plants grow so fast that all that equipment just gets in your way.  I'm now consistently cutting three weeks off my six week veg cycle in and saving two weeks on my flowering time cutting my flowering cycle is back to 42 days and I'm sure I can reduce this to 35 days flowering cycle with the right strain and Supernatural Brand technique the quality flavour aroma and staggering yields cannot be matched to this system. My labor and materials cost has been drastically reduced and I am currently running one of the most productive and highest quality and purity, flavour that cannot be matched. I'm way further ahead with large scale expansion and happier than I have ever been.

    Thanks Supernatural!
        Jaden, Whistler BC


I am a designated grower who has gone from using coco coir to Proterra growing medium. I have seen an increase in plant health, size, and yield, and I have no intention of using coco again.

   There were many struggles with coco initially. Since day one powdery mildew had been a problem. From a handful of colonies to absolute take over, the threat was always there. So were the fungus gnats. All though easy to control, at a commercial scale it was quite the hassle.
   On top of a tough maintenance schedule, coco also uses calcium-magnesium. A nutrient found naturally in most soils but not coco. It's not much more work but adding third party supplements always raises the risk of nutrient lockout.

   At that time we had used a couple of Supernatural Brand supplements. A colleague recommended the true feeding plan, soil and all, so we ran a trial.
    What a difference. Pests and fungus are a thing of the past and the plants' response to the food is tremendous. We've seen an increase in height, branch thickness, as well as overall plant stability. More impressive then all of that, however, is the yield.

    Our experiment ran 35 coco plants against 5 of the supernatural. All plants were the same age, health, size and strain.
   The SNB plants were in 10 gallon pots and the coco were in 15 gallons. All plants were hand watered as needed, and they were all sprayed with the same organic pest control.
    Those 5 plants produced 37% of our yield, dwarfing the coco by nearly 4/1. Those are numbers that are hard to ignore.

    We have since switched our entire system from coir to proterra and the results have been replicated time and again. Thank you to Supernatural for the incredible product. 

     From a happy customer
          -TB, designated grower


Re: RootBurst Powder

Great Product! This is my Holy Grail rooting hormone powder. Highest level of hormone I have found. It takes all the chance and skill out of cloning. This stuff will grow roots on a rock! The powder never goes bad and goes much farther than messy gels. I will never clone with any other product, there is no point. 99-100% strike rate consistently. Thanks for another great product!



I just wanted to say that the Supernatural Brand Terraponic system is the best system on the market. I was able to cut the labor costs by over 50% at the same time growing AAA beautiful cannabis flowers for medical purposes on a shortened flower cycle.

The plant food delivers extreme growth during every part of the cannabis growing cycle. It has next to zero trace elements left over in the finished product resulting in the biggest, cleanest aromatic cannabis flowers you could every imagine.

The one part food product is the easiest product on the market to learn. Simply mix the one part food until desired ppm and then add any Supernatural supplements for additional quality and quantity.

I have been using this system for over 10 years and I wont ever go back to anything other than Supernatural Brands. The Enormus product is an amazing addition to the line of products.

I thank Brian and his team of experts for helping me deliver top quality, clean, organic medical cannabis to the people in need.

You can visit http://www.snbrandcommercial.com/home.html to see pictures and videos of our 200+ terraponic table system at work.

Good Luck and Happy Growing!!DK

 Hi, I just wanted to send you my picture of one month growth on the Turbogrow tables!  The picture on October 6th was from when we just put the clones into the 10L pots from Beer Cups.   Just amazing!

I will never switch back after growing in DWC for a few years, with alot of money wasted

  I havent had any defeicies at all threw out the whole grow and i simply replace the nutrient soloution in the tables every week,    best tasting and cleanest buring smoke ive ever had , with my same old strains!

          Again thanks for the great products!  B Desg Medical Grower in Ontario
